Unlimited support
Nicola used Peninsula’s unlimited 24/7 advice to handle her situation. This meant she could call after hours – at a time that suited her schedule – to discuss the case in as much depth and as often as she liked.
Peninsula gives me peace of mind
Assisted Services
Nicola Crawford is the Assistant Manager at Assisted Services – a care-at-home facility that deploys community carers to support people in their own homes.
When Nicola realised some of her employees were having trouble with timekeeping, she turned to Peninsula for support…
Nicola's HR challenge started with a troubling discovery.
Because her staff visit patients out in the community, no one can monitor them on the job. But due to a new rota system, she discovered that a number of workers weren’t showing up for work on time. Some were starting 30-45 minutes late – and getting paid for the time they weren’t working.
Nicola knew that if her carers weren’t arriving on time to deliver essential support, they were putting the welfare of their clients – and the reputation of the business – at serious risk.
Nicola knew she had to act fast. So, she reached out to her Peninsula employment law adviser, Tammy.
Nicola asked Tammy what her next steps should be to address the issue in line with HR rules.
So, Tammy gave her a list of important questions to ask her workers, and invitation letters inviting them to a disciplinary meeting.
And while Tammy said the offence was serious enough for dismissal, Nicola didn’t want to go down that road. So, they worked together to explore alternative options.
They settled on issuing the workers with written warnings. Tammy guided Nicola through this process and provided her with the necessary wording and paperwork.
With Peninsula support, Nicola had full confidence that she was doing everything correctly.
It gives me peace of mind
Peninsula is there to know that every step I'm doing is correct and that there's nothing I'm doing that I shouldn't be doing. And that helps give me peace of mind
By following the right disciplinary steps, Nicola was able to manage the situation without the risk of legal backlash.
And she’s since seen a huge difference in how her staff behave. Now, Nicola's workers arrive promptly on time for work. If they have to finish early for whatever reason, they give her a call first.
Having Peninsula’s support helps Nicola remain strong in her conviction. It means that, if any worker tries to raise a dispute with her, she knows she can hold her ground – because she knows she has followed the correct HR principles.
I'm strong in my conviction
Even if staff are saying ‘you can’t do that’, I'm strong in my conviction that I can, because I've been given the right advice
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