Blog Articles

818 results
818 results


  • a man in a garden


    Garden Leave

    In this guide, we'll discuss what garden leave is, employee rights during this type of leave, and the benefits it can bring.

    Peninsula Logo
    Peninsula TeamPeninsula Team
    • Leave and Absence
  • person writing on note pad


    Health & Safety Audit

    In this guide, we'll discuss what a Health & Safety audit is, the benefits of conducting one, and the process to follow.

    Peninsula Logo
    Peninsula TeamPeninsula Team
    • Health & Safety
  • a woman clutching her stomach


    Is Endometriosis a Disability?

    Is endometriosis a disability? What support can you offer employees with the condition? Find out how to help them in our blog.

    Peninsula Logo
    Peninsula Team Peninsula Team
    • Equality & Diversity
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Free downloads

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    Download your free Health & Safety checklist template and see how to rule out common workplace risk

    Peninsula Logo
    Peninsula Team Peninsula Team
    • Health & Safety
  • Free Download

    If you have never created a written warning letter for sickness absence before, there's no need to stress - Peninsula has a template you can download for free.

    Peninsula Logo
    Peninsula Team Peninsula Team
    • Leave and Absence
  • Free Download

    Read our guide where we'll discuss the risk assessment process and guidelines for employers, as well as providing a free risk assessment template.

    Peninsula Logo
    Peninsula TeamPeninsula Team
    • Risk Assessment
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