Dealing with Disgruntled Ex-Employees
In this guide, we'll look at how to deal with an angry ex-employee, the problems they can cause and how to protect yourself to avoid the risk.

- End of Employment
In this guide, we'll look at how to deal with an angry ex-employee, the problems they can cause and how to protect yourself to avoid the risk.
How do you proceed if your employee doesn't pass their probation? What's the best way to handle a dismissal? Read this guide to find out the steps to follow.
Low staff turnover is an essential target for businesses. The lower it is, the better. How do you manage your workforce? We explain the best business practices.
Discover what the statutory notice period for redundancy is, employee leave benefits, and redundancy payments you must legally provide.
Read about workplace layoffs; how to action them, and what legal rules are needed to lay someone off.
Learn about the rules for dismissing employees without reason, warning, and notice – and how to fairly end employment contracts.
The Employment Tribunal (ET), in the case of Muir v Astra Zeneca UK Ltd, had to decide whether the respondent had fully considered the claimant’s disability and the effect it had before taking the decision to dismiss.
To learn about new redundancy rights for staff who are expecting to take (or already taking) leave, here's what you need to know…
Our HR expert explains the implications of the extended ‘protected period’ for pregnant employees and returnees from family-related leave when considering redundancy:
The Employment Tribunal (ET) had to consider, in the case of C Smith v Turnock Ltd, whether or not it was reasonable to dismiss an employee for sharing a social media meme that mocked management styles.
“My new employer needs me to start straight away. Is there any way we can waive my notice period?” What should you do if your employee resigns and doesn’t want to work their notice period? Well, you have a few options here…
An employment tribunal (ET) had to consider whether an employee had been unfairly dismissed after she refused to put a work-related app onto her personal phone.
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During financially challenging times, companies may have no other option than to consider redundancies.
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This employment law guide explores the basics of unfair dismissal and offers guidance on how to avoid common pitfalls.
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Making redundancies is a big decision. And one that you need to think carefully about.
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No employer enjoys making redundancies. However, when you make them, it’s important to get the process right.
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During financially challenging times, companies may have no other option than to consider redundancies. As stressful as this is for employers, employees also understand the perils or redundancies and often have fears with job security.
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There are many rules you must follow when giving an employee their notice of termination.
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