Webcasts/HR essentials: Understanding the dismissal process

May 29, 2024 / 11:30 - 13:30PM

HR essentials: Understanding the dismissal process






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About this upcoming session

There are certain times when an employee dismissal is necessary.

If you ever need to carry out a dismissal, it’s important you understand how to follow a fair and risk-free process.

Because if your employee disagrees with the dismissal and brings a tribunal claim against you, you need to prove to the tribunal that you’ve followed UK employment law – throughout the entire process.

The process can be complex and full of legal risk. So, every employer should educate themselves about what pitfalls to avoid.

Join Peninsula’s webcast for essential facts and guidance around dismissal.

  • Understand what makes a dismissal ‘fair’ or ‘unfair’

  • Discover the steps involved in a fair dismissal procedure

  • Common dismissal pitfalls you should avoid

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